Author Reception: Meet Authors & Artists who celebrate love, light & LIFE!
STEP INTO THE RIVER: Thursday, November 2, 2017 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm !
Please RSVP BY October 30 to
Woodmont Bible Church 3440 Stokesmont Road, Nashville, TN 37215
Come and enjoy an evening of live music & art surrounded by select acrylic paintings from the Jack Weil Collection. Feel as if you are walking through the New Jerusalem!
Melissa Stamper
Born in the South, Melissa Stamper hails from a state rich in music heritage. Her first solo was “Old Rugged Cross” at four years old on the altar of Bay Springs Baptist Church in the flat woods of Chopin, Louisiana. Yet, it would be years later before she began to understand what that song truly meant. A survivor of a childhood sexual abuse, music was the only constant in her life until she me the Lord at the tender age of fifteen.
An experienced recording artist, Melissa has logged many hours in the studio doing demo work for local songwriters as well as recording jingles for local advertisers in Louisiana. At the age of eighteen, she produced and hosted her own television program called “Lookin’ Up” which showcased local Christian artists and musicians. This experience instilled in her the fortitude for a mission that would change lives.
In 2002, Melissa founded the “Miss Plus America Pageant” which is an exclusive contest for plus size women. “Experiencing verbal abuse because of my size took me to places of great despair in my life; and I knew I wasn’t alone in feeling this way. Discrimination because of size has been described as the last form of acceptable prejudice. Something had to be done.” This endeavor has afforded teens and women of all ages to express themselves freely without fear of this discrimination. All delegates support and promote charitable organizations. “This is a ministry. The crown does more than remind plus size women they are fearfully and wonderfully made; it creates an avenue in which to help others.” With a pristine reputation, the Miss Plus America pageant is the most recognizable exclusive plus size competition in the world.
For singer/songwriter Melissa Stamper, this kind of reaching out to others is the driving force behind her journey as an artist of Contemporary Christian Music. With a raw vocal power, Melissa’s intention to stir the heart is palpable from the outset of each note she sings.
Contributions and Gifts may be sent to:
120 Providence Trail #9102, Mt. Juliet, TN 37112
For the LORD dwells in Zion.
Joel 3:21
November 2, 2017 is the 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
What is the Balfour Declaration? A letter issued by the British government favoring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish People began the process of fulfilling Bible prophecy concerning Israel in these last days.