From BETROTHED: Committed to Love, Light and LIFE! “In 1984, my world was a safe place—calm, quiet, and filled with wonder. I was a college student, asking the L-rd about His direction for my next step after graduation. I made a covenant with G–d that year, which included specific criteria for that special...
Articles from January 2018
Reposting Paul Newman Birthday Tibute
Keys to the Kingdom This afternoon the Postmaster gasped when she looked down at my key ring and saw Jack’s picture next to the new PAUL NEWMAN stamps on the counter for purchase. With a gleam in her eyes she exclaimed, “You knew him???!!!“ I was a...
Give a HEART Save a LIFE! ~ Knowledge Is Power
In the midst of grief or tragic events…why not Give a HEART. . . and Save a LIFE! Many times it is at the end-of-life when reconciliation takes place or when one makes decisions about where they will spend eternity. When the Choice To LIVE is denied or their...