Wait upon the Lord MAJESTIC: The EAGLE Still Flies High! Radnor Lake ~ July 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgIqT6QecRI&feature=share For many years “The Eagle’s” mission was one of solitude. Once he invited me on his path, he was clear and honest about the fact that he might only have two good...
Articles from July 2018
To my sister, Jerri Lynn… Ever sisters. Ever young. Ever summmer. HBD to YOU!
“Ever brothers. Ever young. Ever summer.” – Charles Krauthammer (One of the reasons this quote resonates deep within my soul…-not only did Charles Krauthmmer live with strengh, passion and courage… he also loved well.) To my sister, Jerri Lynn… Ever sisters. Ever young. Ever summmer. Jerri Lynn Charron gave...
Ever sisters. Ever young. Ever summmer. HBD Jerri Lynn Clay Charron
“Ever brothers. Ever young. Ever summer.” – Charles Krauthammer (One of the reasons this quote resonates deep within my soul…-not only did Charles Krauthmmer live with strengh, passion and courage… he also loved well. To my sister, Jerri Lynn… Ever sisters. Ever young. Ever summmer. Jerri Lynn Charron gave...
CAREful Coverings ~ Healing Hats
Celebrate FREEDOM! “Healing Hats” ~ “CAREful Coverings to Carry On! By:The Simplicity Project’s Wellness Initiative Simplicity – when LIFE gets C o m p l i c a t e d “Healing Hats” CAREful Coverings to Carry On! The Word – Scripture Wellness Water – pure water...