Step Into the River
An evening of live music & art surrounded by select acrylic paintings of the New Jerusalem!
WIthin 3 1/2 weeks of the vision, all of the tables were filled with standing room only!
- There was no charge to enter this Author/ Artist Reception . . . Step into the River!
- Nothing was expected of the Bride of Christ other than she accept the Invitation to attend.
- Much like a ‘betrothal’, our God ~ “Heavenly Groom” is waiting for us to receive Him.
- There was no request for a donation, pledge or plea for money.
- No payment was required for food ~ everything was provided.
- GIFTS – “Carry On Care Packages” filled with valuable information regarding Health and Wellness initiatives were presented to each guest…including security and the Police Officers.
- The BRIDE in waiting…preparing for her groom. . . . . received!
- Almighty God’s Presence was unmistakable to every person present on November 2, 2017.
Step into the River
by Jack Weil
Photo Gallery

November 2, 2017 was the 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration! What is the Balfour Declaration? A letter issued by the British government favoring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish People began the process of fulfilling Bible prophecy concerning Israel in these last days.
Click this LINK for the complete invitation website:
Who were the Participating Authors and Artists?:Click HERE:
Sponsored by Friends of The Simplicity Project, TAZIKIS in Green Hills, Miss Daisy King, and The Picnic
Hostess: Lucy Karen Clay which supports
“Steps to Protect Your Walk To Eternity” – upcoming event
Details to follow
Join us for a simplistic step by step approach intended to provide information so that loved ones might be protected while navigating through the ever changing healthcare system.
Do you have a Living Will?
What about a Protective Medical Decisions Document?
Do you know the difference?
What are Advance Directives? Are you required to sign one? (the answer is NO!)
Learn more when we gather to Walk Through and TO Eternity!”
Celebrate the Life, Love and Spirit of “Jack”
A Celebration of Jack Weil’s life on earth took place on April 5th, 2013 while he was at the feet of Jesus, “Yeshua” in heaven. An Art Show and concert hosted by Whole Foods in Green Hills was filled will several hundred people to show theirappreciation and love for a man that they missed and loved. Friends who had received paintings from Jack brought them for others to see and enjoy while the community came to celebrate the life of a man who Lived, Listened,and Loved Unconditionally. A portion of the proceeds went to Blood Water Mission and the sales of note cards and prints from his paintings along with donations totaled enough money to provide enough clean water for close to 1000 people in Africa for one year, (1200 to date). One of Jack’s passions was clean water. In addition to that, also, before he died, the Lord impressed upon his heart to communicate clearly that there is NO life without the bloodshed of Jesus Christ. That message was dear to his own heart.
First National Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Minneapolis, MN – May 2-3, 2014
Join the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and the Pro-Life Healthcare Alliance, a program of Human Life Alliance, for the First National Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. Receive valuable information on how to keep you and your loved ones safe from dangers in today’s healthcare system. Learn about “brain death,” medical futility and other threats. Gain an understanding on how to effectively fight state sponsored euthanasia. Check out our website or call 651-484-1040 to learn more!
Healthcare Trojan Horse: Preventing Stealth Euthanasia and Protecting Natural Death Conference
Wooster, Ohio – May 17, 2014
How Much Do You Know? Many people think they understand what euthanasia is, but really don’t know how it is being implemented in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes throughout the nation. We have been receiving more and more phone calls at HLA from people whose family members are being killed through terminal sedation and the withdrawal of food and fluids,-even when the patient is not near death nor refusing treatment! Healthcare rationing is a reality. Learn what is happening.
If one life can be saved or at least death not hastened, then The Simplicity Project will have fulfilled its mission.