Authors & Artists Stepped into the River & Cherished LIFE!


Authors and Artists who have a heart for Israel gathered together on the Centennial Year of the Balfour Declaration to

Celebrate Love, Light & LIFE!

TSP SIR 6 Lucy Greeting. EVENT

 Founder of The Simplicity Project, Lucy Karen Clay, opened the evening in prayer.

WIthin 3 1/2 weeks of the vision,
every table was filled with standing room only.
Volunteers pulled together
and God demonstrated His favour upon this ministry and to all who participated. 
  • Step into the RIver’s  inaugural & unique Author/ Artist Reception did not charge for admission.
  • The primary expectation of the honored guest, Bride of Christ, was that she accept and receive the Invitation.
  • Much like a ‘betrothal’, our God ~  “Heavenly Groom”  is waiting for us to receive Him into our lives.
  • There was no request for donation or pledge to any organization.
  • Delicious dinner and entertainment was provided along with desserts and cake afterwards.
  • GIFTS – “Carry On Care Packages” filled with valuable Life Saving information regarding Health and Wellness initiatives were presented to each honored guest.
  • The BRIDE in waiting…preparing for her groom, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. . . . simply  received!
  • Almighty God’s Presence was unmistakable to on November 2, 2017.


Reverend Sam Clarke presented the significance of the Balfour Declaration concerning prophecy fulfilled in Israel.
Misha Goetz and Marty Goetz worshipping in song within the “Burning Bush” & “The Tree of LIFE” by Jack Weil.



Step into the River by Jack Weil
Step into the River
by Jack Weil


What a great night!!! The music was outstanding and there was a clear sense of Almighty God’s blessing on the entire event. The greatest blessing for me was to have a variety of unrelated ministries come together to support and encourage each other. Great event. Hope we can do it again.– RSC
It was a refreshing evening and nice to reconnect with the Nashville community of Israel supporters. – MG
Very uplifting evening.  The venue, décor, atmosphere and people were Kingdom quality. Step into the River was a real blessing and a real presence of the Lord was apparent to me. – JM
Step into the River was a huge success and wonderful celebration. SG
The night was absolutely wonderful.… The first of its kind! You did an excellent job.- MC
There was truly an atmosphere of “celebration” in that gathering. Would enjoy more opportunities like this.  It was such a “fun” time. It was like a “party” at church. A very “free” and “relaxed” atmosphere. No “spirit of religion” was present but only “Love”. – AP
The paintings on display were just amazing! We really enjoyed viewing each of them.
We love TAZIKIS’s! Well fed, good food, good speakers. – JG
It blessed my heart in so many ways… from the powerful program to the like-minded people who attended! The program was very uplifting and refreshing. I loved the variety of speakers/musical artists… It was organized, meaningful, and beautiful in every way. Loved seeing Jack’s work all around the room and how you incorporated your message concerning LIFE. Outstanding job! It was definitely unique, and that’s what I loved about it. Thank you for involving so many people. It was truly a blessing. – CS
It was a beautiful evening like none other! -FB
Tennessee’s State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver singing The National Anthem as the crowd stood and sang along.


Allison Pearson & Melissa Stamper
Linda Bernstorff on violin
Craig Waller

 Check out Photo Gallery! 

The Simplicity Project

TSP seeks to provide education and awareness on end-of-life issues which have been poisoned by secular bio ethics and utilitarianism. This corruption is no different from the German Nazi’s who believed some lives are not worth living. Knowledge Is Power.

Introduction: The Simplicity Project  by Lucy Karen Clay
Lucy from video for Step into the River blog post
To download your LAMP (Protective Medical Decisions Document) click HERE
PMDD and INFORMED Framed for TSP Blog saved

November 2, 2017 was the 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration! What is the Balfour Declaration? A letter issued by the British government favoring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish People began the process of fulfilling Bible prophecy concerning Israel in these last days.




These Authors and Artists provide works which glorify the KING of Kings!


For a list of Participating Authors & Artists .Click HERE
Sponsored by Friends of The Simplicity Project, TAZIKI’s in Green Hills,  Miss Daisy King, and The Picnic
Hostess: Lucy Karen Clay which supports  Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization
Gifts of Love, Light and LIFE for Christmas and Valentine's Day!

 1 Comment

  1. Lucy

    Please forgive this amature attempt to relay a video message. However, near death instances are occurring all too often and apparently this is a call upon my life which I did not ask for. 
    The very night before the Step into the River event, one of The Simplicity Project’s Advocates helped to save a precious woman’s life at a local hospital.
    This advocate prevented a potential drug overdose! This advocate was told it is standard proceedure to distribute Loritab and Morphine to patients entering the ER who are experiencing pain. (Never mind the US is experiencing an Opioid crisis). Unfortunately, when one is in their mid ’90′s & only a mere 90 pounds it doesn’t take much to tip them over the edge…Knowledge Is Power.
    PS Since this little lady was rescued, she was soon transferred to rehab where she anxiously awaited her newspaper and favourite magazines daily along with weekly manicures and hair appointment. She will be back home on Wednesday and be able to spend Thanksgiving with her family.
    One saving grace is that there is a protective document which is helping to save lives. You may read more at this link: LAMP

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