As a friend of Jack Weil and his love, Lucy Clay, I can sincerely state that this book is an amazing amalgam of true love, steadfast faith in God and His power, and a cautionary true tale for the times we live in–a factual account not to be taken lightly, but rather to be studied, digested, and shared in order to transpire in one’s (or their loved ones’) life. “Knowledge is power,” and I will be sharing the knowledge gleaned from this work with my children to protect not only my life, but ultimately, theirs.
~ J.R. Woods, Attorney
Lucy Clay has peeled away the covering of her heart to give us an intimate perspective on her relationship with a man of great faith who shared his life’s journey with her. Sadly, Lucy was forced to witness her beloved swallowed up by those who embrace the culture of death.
The startling contrast between the inspired and Divinely blessed love they shared and the sudden and dark death care–that he endured and that tormented her–reflects the real-life human experience of those who walk unknowingly into the jaws of imposed death. Yet through it all, they and the faithful Christians around them, rally to give us all a witness to God’s saving grace and love. A heartbreaking but inspirational story!
~ Ron Panzer
Founder – Hospice Patients Alliance
Co-Founder – Pro-life Healthcare Alliance
Lucy Karen Clay is a lifelong friend and an inspiring individual. She has always been a selfless person who devotes her time working to better the lives of others. Lucy possesses phenomenal insight and discernment and she consistently makes an effort to live her life under direction of the Holy Spirit.
~ Laurie Harris Mahoney
Lifelong Friend
A remarkable, heartwarming, heartbreaking story that highlights the moral and ethical
challenges associated with end-of-life care.
~ The Rev. Sam Clarke
First Director, Christian Office, International Relations Dept.
Yad Vashem, Holocaust Museum and Memorial, Jerusalem, Israel
Author, The Holy One of Israel and His Chosen People
A must-read true story for our times! Read to discover the unforgettable love of a man for a
woman—a man who chose to live life to the fullest to his final breath. A love that never waved
the white flag of surrender warning us to watch over our loved ones until the final chapter. . . .
~ Terri Lynn Weaver, State Representative, TN
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