Welcome to Simplicity’s Closet!
This will be a one stop shop. I will be posting new items from time to time and hopefully in the meantime it will “simplify” MY closets and provide education at the same time. If you happen to find something that catches your eye…just let me know. It is a ‘virtual store’, however, private appointments are also available. Proceeds go to The Simplicity Project raising awareness and providing education for end of life issues. www.TheSimplicityProject.org supporting http://www.halorganization.com/ After a few days of experimenting with a few great Facebook pages which ‘buy, sell and trade’, I found that while they seem to work really well for some, it was just too much clicking and uploading for me. So, here goes…! My first appointment was Divinely orchestrated by the Lord Jesus from beginning to end. I shared with my sister what occurred with another friend and Patricia Douglas and suggested that perhaps the Lord intended it to be a “Prayer Closet,” not just “Simplicity’s Closet.” My sister’s response was …“More like a WAR ROOM!’ Little did we know that a news release would arrive to our InBox that same evening that Judge Carol L. McCoy had indeed denied John Jay Hooker’s request for Tennessee to become an Assisted Suicide State in Chancery Court.
Yes, a VICTORY for LIFE in Tennessee!
This is what The Simplicity Project is all about. Education and Awareness of End of Life Issues…Knowledge Is Power.
Last year at a Prayer Appreciation Dinner, 2014, I was asked to share about my new book entitled, Charlotte Lives! Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow. Many from the community attended my book signings, Celebrations of Life and have prayed over these two books as well as this project and for my protection. The Lord indeed answered. After two brown recluse spider bites, no heat during part of the “Polar Vortex” and a few other things…, Charlotte lived! I am grateful for God’s mercy…
He answered AGAIN this past summer after much prayer.
Two days after I attended the Summer Senate Hearing, June 9th, of which many prayed, my own father’s life was directly attacked and close to death’s door, on June 11th. June 9th was an exhausting and life draining afternoon filled with physicians going on and on about how worthy and noble and compassionate ‘Death With Dignity’ – Assisted Suicide is…. (They are now calling it “Compassionate Choices”, FYI.) Well, I left the room as quickly as possible, walked directly to the Legislative Plaza Fountain, sat down and called my father to debrief….Whew!!!!!!!! I still have his saved voice message which said with utter disgust, “The news showed an interview with John Jay and it was just awful!”…TWO days later, our family found ourselves in the hospital waiting room for many hours overlooking Charlotte Avenue while my precious earthly father was in open heart surgery with his heart in my heavenly Father’s hands. He went from practically perfect health that we knew of to 5 bypasses for blockages at 100%, two at 90%, 80% and 70%. He is 84 years old but until that day he was completing a full workout routine every day: 1,000 sit ups, running circles around our entire family and “Driving Miss Daisy” – my mother, and her sisters everywhere they wanted or needed to go. Interesting timing. I am pro actively advocating for LIFE against this awful Culture of Death which is equivalent to the same spirit as ISIS and then my own father’s life is suddenly at risk two days after this significant Senate hearing.
Serious business is this Life and Death!
Because of prayer…my father is back to normal. He was discharged earlier than most patients they ever see.
His doctors were amazed. They know God saved his life and credit it to prayer. They claim he is a model patient after 5 bypass open heart surgery. They reported that he has the strong heart of a 25 year old, body of a 40 year old, and the brain of a 20 year old! We now call him Hezekiah because by the grace of God his disciplined lifestyle has paid off, therefore pray he will live at least 15 more years. God saved his life. I will forever be grateful to each and every kind note, card, email, voice message and most of all… prayer.
Now, this business at hand of LIFE…and threat of death and assisted suicide:
There is much to do.
One week after Tennessee gained a victory in Chancery Court, California is now the 5th state in the US to legalize Assisted Suicide:
MONDAY OCTOBER 05, 2015 05:15 PM EDT
Right to Die Legalized in California Following Campaign Inspired by Brittany Maynard
http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20957478,00.html |
- I will continue to advocate for LIFE
- The Simplicity Project will continue to promote and provide educational materials, Knowledge Is Power.
- When asked, I am available to speak about these issues, instruct and provide presentations about the importance of PMDD (Protective Medical Decisions Documents) – alternative to a Living Will. This session is a simplistic step by step approach intended to provide information so that loved ones might be protected while navigating through the ever changing healthcare system. Great for a luncheon or seminar. “Steps to Protect Your Walk to Eternity”
- Simplicity’s Closet will include all of the gifts displayed on TSP web site including Jack Weil’s canvas paintings, note cards, coffee cups, my books, etc.
- I will begin offering Calligraphy Services for a fee which proceeds will go towards TSP. i.e. Christmas Cards, dinner parties, wedding invitations, and specialty gifts.
- Proceeds from all of these efforts go to TSP and TSP sends proceeds to Pro Life Healthcare who supplies TSP with educational materials. http://www.halorganization.com/. Donations may be made directly to Pro Life Healthcare for tax deduction purposes but direct purchases of TSP merchandise may be paid for by check, cash or cc transactions using Square. Contact me directly for pricing and delivery. Please send checks to PO Box 150752, Nashville, TN 37215 even if they are made out directly to Pro Life Healthcare. TSP mails all local donations to their office.
- Meanwhile, I continue to own and operate Expressways Learning-TN, www.ExpresswaysToLearningTN.com which is a For Profit business. All accounts are separate.
I am so appreciative of each of you who continue to answer His call…If you feel led to HELP or be a part of this advocacy for LIFE in any way in addition to PRAYER, please let me know. Meanwhile, please LIKE and SHARE this BLOG Post and Face Book pages below.
You are OFFICIALLY INVITED to “Simplicity’s Closet!”
Blessings, Love and LIFE,
Lucy Karen Clay
Founder, The Simplicity Project