Hebrews 11:35
The Greater Resurrection
Freedom, Happiness, Truth…
What is the purpose, really?
Self expression may take place in artistic platforms such as painting, music, dance or writing.
God created us to communicate with each other and with Himself. It is healthy. However, if it becomes so regulated that it is no longer authentic, then what is the purpose? To me, it is then a waste of everyone’s time. But then there is the element of human nature.
Does anyone really want to know? KK thinks so!
“I don’t believe that no one wants to know.” –Kris Kristofferson
Has our culture become so obsessed with “happiness” that we turn our heads from anything that might be considered negative or cause us to have to actually consider whether we have played a part in wrong-doing? Or, more importantly, have we become so self-centered and busy with our own lives of convenience that we are primarily focused on what WE think is best rather than submitting to decisions reserved alone for Almighty God?
Well, what if that means we might have to suffer?
What if that means someone else might to have to suffer?
For those who have known me for most of my life, I have been described as a “free spirit.”
I do not like pain. I avoid it. I avoid being too hot or too cold or most any form of discomfort.
I like to go with the flow and enjoy lots of sunshine, windows down on a beautiful day and great live music. I love to go barefoot and feel fresh grass or sand on the beach between my toes…and do!
Yet, life throws all of us curves. What happens when that freedom is taken away?
What about when your loved one’s Choice to LIVE is taken from them before your very eyes?
We all experience different kinds of disappointments which may include pain, loss of a pet, loss of a job, loss of a friendship, loss of eyesight, loss of hearing, and then… there is death.
While we can, while I can, I am choosing to write.
It may not be exactly what the masses will choose to read but what I write will be true to His Word and authentic to what I have experienced as I understand it. It will be my interpretation and I do not expect everyone to agree for we all come from different places. However, it is my prayer that you will be blessed, encouraged and enlightened in some way.
Perhaps sometimes you will laugh, sometimes you may cry. The purpose it to honor God and honor what He has chosen to open my eyes to for this season for some reason… For I know what I now know, I am responsible. My eyes have been unwittingly opened to a different side of nurturing and health care than I ever imagined.
My childhood memories of hospice are not at all what they are today. Primarily, I remember funeral services at our church where caretakers from hospice sometimes even sat with families because after four to six months, the bond had become very close during a trying time. More often than not, it is unusual to hear of hospice now on board for over a few weeks. Some of you may still have positive experiences and hopefully more will continue. However, it is not what it used to be. Much has changed on many levels. The Enemy comes in as an Angel of Light.
Serious questions to consider: What would families do without ‘hospice’??? Where would they turn? How would they afford 24 hour care?
Hospice is a significant part of our current culture today. Yet, without proper policies and procedures put in place and then accurately followed, and in place, the mistakes made are unfortunately irreversible. Often it is at the end-of-life when many receive the Lord and also when many reconciliations take place within families. Morphine was originally intended as pain management for terminally ill patients, not to hasten death. The information on this website is eye-opening. Once the morphine starts, everything changes. If one life can be saved or at least not cut short, then The Simplicity Project will have fulfilled its mission. If what you see on this website touches you in some way and you feel a call to action, there are a few things you can do.
- Pray
- Tell others the Truth about what is taking place
- Forward this information: Knowledge Is Power through Education and Awareness
- Be Informed
- Take The Challenge!
- Support these efforts by gifting friends with cards, books or products from this site where proceeds go towards these efforts.
- Donate towards the Life & Legacy of Jack Weil to:
- Contact me by email if you are interested in becoming a part of this team which supports Advocacy and Awareness of end of life issues :
“Freedom” was written in honor of Jack Weil who entered heaven, June 5th 2012. He is now truly free and lives eternally.
“Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:6
By Lucy
From my diary: “Pearls of Grace ~ For the Path”