Blessings to you from The Simplicity Project Wellness Initiative!
First of all I would like to express my appreciation for your continued encouragement and faithful prayers over the last several years. While I would never have chosen it, clearly, the L-rd has called me to advocate for those in need of a voice –The Choice To Live.
My gift to G-d on this Passover and Resurrection Sunday Celebration is the new release of my book
BETROTHED: Committed to Love, Light and LIFE!
On the heels of our new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, along with ISIS attacks in Egypt and Syria, the time could not be more appropriate to unveil this alarming Truth for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear: Life vs. Death. This book is not only a heavenly love story but also provides tools which protect loved ones along with resources for wellness and abundant life utilizing integrative medicine here on earth. In addition, it highlights the very theme the world is riveted upon at this very moment. . .
“It is finished.” the Kallah BRIDE.”
From BETROTHED…by Lucy Karen Clay & Anne Severance
…It is finished.” I always thought that meant His work on earth was finished, that He had fulfilled G-d’s mission for Him. And that is the meaning…in the Greek language. But there is more! Jesus spoke in Aramaic, not the formal Greek, but in the language of the people. And in Aramaic, the word for “finished”—kallel—also means “bride”! In other words, Jesus was saying, “It is finished. I have paid the ‘bride price’ with my own blood. One day soon, I will be coming for My Bride!
Introductory Video by Lucy on Resurrection Sunday
We are instructed to bring a gift to G-d on Passover. “No one may appear before Me [on Passover] without an offering.”(Exodus 34:20 NLT). What better gift than investing in the salvation of Israel!
“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Rom. 1:16).
Please consider a special gift…to be poured into evangelism between now and June 5th, 2017 when books will ship and also Jews everywhere will celebrate the liberation of biblical Jerusalem during the Six-Day War.
Books will be available to order until May 5th. Click HERE now for your own personal Limited Edition signed copy!
1. Pre Sale is a suggested donation of $20 for a limited time.(Retail price is $24.00) As a courtesy books will be sent for any donation amount by check to PO Box.
2. PDF pre print draft is also Available NOW by request for those who order one copy with promise of reader input.
Books may be shipped in multiples of 5 or more to distribute to friends, family, church or Bible Study for the purpose of advancing & supporting the “Choice To LIVE!”
For your convenience payment may be made through our SQUARE account or
Checks payable to:
The Simplicity Project, PO Box 150752, Nashville, TN 37215
Or, click HERE to Order. Thank you!
Blessings, love and LIFE,
Lucy Karen Clay
“Simplicity” when LIFE gets Complicated!