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Feast of Trumpets
10 Days of Awe
Yom Kippur
For those who might wonder, “What in the world is a ‘SHOFAR’?” Well, in a former life, I asked the same question. Ohhh, my eyes, ears and heart have been awakened! The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the author of our lives. This ‘rams horn’ has been around since the beginning of time. I was led to have our graphic designer place it in the hand of my beloved Jack (named Jacob) on the cover of our story, BETROTHED: Committed to Love, Light & LIFE by Lucy Karen Clay with Anne Severance.
Just as Rosh Hashana ended at sundown on Tuesday Oct. 1st, our LORD placed what looked to be a SHOFAR in the sky! This scene hardly moved for over an hour! Directly above the shofar looking cloud was what seemed to be a ‘blast’ straight upwards towards the sky! Then, eventually it headed just top of the crescent new moon. This Gentile woman, curious of the mystery -has read much about this time of year, significance and meaning for our Jewish friends -God’s chosen people. It is a critical season of repentance and return to Him!
Why did God choose this unusual sound and instrument? Could it be more than symbolic?…Wow!
LINKS are below:
Rosh-Hashana – the Jewish New Year – the Feast of the Trumpets , we celebrate Rosh Hashana. (literally meaning the “beginning (also head) of the year”) is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah (literally “day of shouting/blasting”) sometimes translated as the Feast of Trumpets. It is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days Yamim Nora’im (literally “Days of Awe”). The most important reason in this feast is to remember that God is King of Kings and that it is a time of reflection. Rosh Hashanah marks the 1st of 10 days count up to Yom Kippur (Atonement Day).
The symbols of Rosh Hashanah are to eat sweet food, especially dip apple in honey, to symbolize an upcoming sweet year. During Rosh Hashana dinner, a round sweet ‘halah’ (bread) is served, and it is custom to dip it in honey or sugar as well. As a side note, on all other days, when doing the ‘Kidush’ (sanctification of the Sabbath that includes blessing the bread), bread is dipped in salt, unlike, as stated above, in Rosh Hashanah when it is dipped in honey or sugar. Another symbol is the blowing of the ‘shofar’ (ram’s horn) and you can learn more about it in this video. You may also be interested in more information about the various Rosh Hashanah symbols.
Click here for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1creh__yyAk I would like to wish you all ‘Leshana Tova’ – may you have a happy New Year. Unfortunately, Rabbi Yehiel Ekstein in the video, passed away this year. May his memory be a blessing.
BETROTHED: Committed to Love, Light & LIFE!
by Lucy Karen Clay with Anne Severance
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